We help property investors grow their portfolio and build inter-generational wealth using their pension.

It’s perfectly allowable to invest in any kind of property using your pension fund if properly structured, implemented and maintained. That’s what we do.



Most pension schemes are not structured correctly for investing into property. To be able to further your property investment goals using a pension, we begin by helping you create an appropriate pension scheme, capable of investing into real assets such as property, private lending and private company shares.



The next stage often involves the creation of a Genuinely Diverse Commercial Vehicle, or GDCV, (these can take many forms including trusts or companies) where individuals can utilise their pension monies to invest in various types of property including residential. This allows more opportunity to diversify and expand an existing portfolio or even start building one.


Tax legislation is a minefield and nowhere is it more perilous than in the field of pensions. Post-Sippchoice, HMRC’s Pensions Tax Manual is of little value, with the risk of triggering eye-watering unauthorised payment charges of 55% being very real. We are uniquely placed to provide specific tax advice to professional trustees before they enter into property and/or debt transactions, providing an effective transference of risk from their firm to ours. By deferring to us as experts in this field, the integrity of their client relationships remains intact.




Over the last 30 years, the rollercoaster of the stockmarket has left most of our clients feeling anxious and concerned for what their true position in retirement will be. Many feel they can no longer solely rely on the pensions provided by their employer or even private pensions established to “top-up” their benefits.

This, in turn, has led to an explosion of investment into residential (buy-to-let) property, with HMRC now reporting the number of landlords in the UK as being over 2,500,000. However, instead of incentivising the public for taking responsibility for their own personal economy, they have attacked the private landlord with tax rises and red tape.

“If only a portfolio of rental properties could be protected from the ravaging effects of rampant taxation with a tax-efficient vehicle like a pension”

In short, it can. Let us explain how.


We are obsessive (it has been said “pedantic”!) in the relentless pursuit of innovation within our field of expertise – Pensions and Property.

“Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”

Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

We thrive on the unusual and have a deep curiosity for exactly where the realms of the possible might take our clients and us.

It is never the case with us that “It can’t be done.” The question is always, “How can it be done?”

We work with clients who are successful, engaged and know what they want to achieve.
There is no single solution to investing in property using your pension. The best place to start is with a 30-minute no obligation consultation, to find out more about you and your future goals for investing in property.

Property From Pensions
Vienna House, International Square,
Birmingham, B37 7GN

E: info@propertyfrompensions.co.uk
T: +44 333 577 0063

MON – FRI: 10am – 4pm
SATURDAY: By Appointment